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Strome College of Business

The Strome College of Business has 3,477 students enrolled, 24,714 alumni, 25+ programs available for Bachelor's and Doctorate degrees, 7 centers and institutes for students. In addition, there are 105 full-time faculty experts, AACSB & NASPAA accreditations, 881 military students (86 active duty, 235 veterans and 445 spouses & dependents) and being named the 87th best part-time MBA in U.S. News & World Report, the College is continuing on their trajectory of success by enhancing faculty, scholarships, programs, center furnishings and spaces.

Faculty Positions

To attract and retain the best teacher/scholars, we need to have salaries at market levels. With the need to replace retirements and a lack of new funding to bring salaries up to market, private gifts are critical to hiring new faculty. Endowed professorships and chairs are prestigious and attractive, in addition to the salary. With these gifts, we can continue to hire outstanding faculty.


More scholarships are needed to attract and retain students AT ALL LEVELS. Especially needed are endowed scholarships for graduate study.

Strome College of Business

Programs & Centers

In combination with scholarships, we are seeking to attract top scholars (students and faculty) by creating special programs that accelerate student success while serving the community. For example, we would like to create a Center for Regional Excellence that will address challenges in promoting regional collaboration in Hampton Roads, while preparing Masters of Public Administration students for success in government careers.

Furnishings & Space

Technology has made learning different. With a building last renovated in 2001, we have a need for new furnishings and technology. New labs, collaborative spaces, and even classroom furnishings are needed.

While many alumni have commented to me on how much the campus has changed since they came to ODU, one thing has not. We continue to serve students in ways that make big differences in their lives. Scholarships are just one way we can all serve together.

Jeff Tanner, Dean Strome College of Business
Karen and Jeff Tanner Scholarship Endowment for Doctoral Studies in Business

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